
Posts Tagged ‘Moon Shine Designs’

I have finish another purse.  yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

This one is a Moon Shine Designs purse called the Paddington Satchel.  I made it with Moda fabric from the Sonnect collection. 

I learned several things making this one.  That when a pattern calls for rigilene (or they spelled it rigiline)  it is polyester corset boning.  It was used around the top of the bag to give the opening some stiffness so it stays open.  It works really great! – but you need a machine with some power and ability to go through really thick spots.   Also for the piping I used (believe it or not) weed eater line instead of nylon piping.   lol  It gave it a bit of extra pop and stiffness to the piping and worked really well. 

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